Tag Archives: Ghostbusters

Joe’s Random Movie Trivia: “Ghostbusters” (1984)

Towards the end of the film, Ray tells Louis , “You have been a participant in the biggest interdimensional cross rip since the Tunguska Blast of 1909!”

This is an actual reference to the Tunguska Event, which occurred on the morning of June 30, 1908. In Central Russia, near the Stony Tunguska River, an explosion occurred that was over 1,000 times more powerful than the Atomic Bomb dropped on Hiroshima. The sound of the blast was heard as far as England, and it is estimated to have knocked down over 80 million trees.

Even though it’s recorded as an “impact event” no crater was made. Many theories have been presented from it being a UFO crash or a meteor impact. The more likely answer was that a comet or asteroid exploded in midair before it could impact the surface, but no official explanation has ever been discovered. 

Joe’s Random Movie Trivia: “Ghostbusters” (1984)


Gozer was played by Yugoslavic actress/model Slavitza Jovan. Bill Murray would tease her during rehearsals because the line “Choose and Perish” sounded like “Jews and Berries”.
Murray would say, “There are no Jews or Berries here!”

Joe’s Random Movie Review: “Ghostbusters” (2016)


2016 brings us another entry in the remakes and reboot territory. And this generation tends to react negatively towards those if they’re not done right. When it was announced that Ghostbusters, an awesome franchise in its own right, was due for a reboot one can imagine the backlash it was due for. Fortunately, what was brought to us was an entirely new film, with new characters, a modern setting, upbeat comedy, and was totally respectful of the original films. It was actually a very good movie all around, in spite of any negative criticism that is has gotten.


Erin Gilbert (Wiig) and Abby Yates (McCarthy) are former colleagues who wrote a book on the paranormal. Gilbert initially wants it unpublished as she thinks of it as an embarrassment. But while investigating a haunting with Yates and extremely eccentric engineer Holtzmann (McKinnon) they discover that the supernatural is in fact real, and seek to get actual proof to the scientific community. As the three begin to start a campaign, Patty (Jones) a subway worker tells them of a ghost she encountered n the subway. As the four begin their investigations, they begin to realize that something much bigger than simple hauntings are happening. Along the way, they hire Kevin (Hemsworth) an incredibly dim witted guy as their receptionist.


Right off, let it be said that the comedy mixes very well with the supernatural elements within the storyline. Although the look of the ghosts have changed (no doubt because of modern filmmaking’s use of CGI) the scare factors are still there. Part of the reason why the original was so effective was its ability to make audience of all ages scared briefly, and laugh the rest of the way through it. While this movie wasn’t nearly as scary, it was extremely effective in the comedy department. All four Comediennes do a terrific job in this movie with both verbal and physical comedy. Top marks for all performers on this piece.


While many fans of the original Ghostbusters will undoubtedly harbor a grudge against this new addition to the Ghostbusters, but as a fan of the original films and of this new one, let it be said that any fans who harbor such terrible words of contempt for this film should really get a life.


With a stellar cast, good writing, and great directing, this Ghostbusters is both respectful to the original’s fans, and to a newer generation.

P.S. Stay for a scene after the credits

Final Score:

Directed by Paul Feig


Melissa McCarthy……Abby Yates
Kristen Wiig……………..Erin Gilbert
Kate McKinnon…………Jillian Holtzmann
Leslie Jones……………..Patty Tolan

Chris Hemsworth…….Kevin
Neil Casey………..Rowan
Charles Dance……..Harold Filmore
Ed Begley Jr………..Ed Mulgrave

Dan Akroyd
Harold Ramis
Bill Murray
Ernie Hudson
Annie Potts
Sigourney Weaver


“Well, let’s say this Twinkie represents the normal amount of psychokinetic energy in the New York area. Based on this morning’s reading, it would be a Twinkie thirty-five feet long, weighing approximately six hundred pounds.” 
